Write a program that continually calculates the cube of a number until the user enters a number that is divisible 2

C++ Program that continually calculates the cube of a number until the user enters a number that is divisible 2

Write a program that continually calculates the cube of a number until the user enters a number that is divisible 2


Write a program that continually calculates the cube of a number until the user enters a number that is divisible by both 2 and 3. Expected Output:
Enter a number: 3
Cube of 3 is: 27
Enter a number: 2
Cube of 2 is: 8
Enter a number: 12. C++ projects.



using namespace std;
void main()
int sq,num;
cout<<“Enter Any Number: “;
if(num%2==0 && num%3==0)
else if(num!=0)
cout<<“Cube of “<<num<<” is:”<<sq<<endl;


using namespace std;
void main()
	int sq,num;
		cout<<"Enter Any Number: ";
		if(num%2==0 && num%3==0)
		else if(num!=0)
			cout<<"Cube of "<<num<<" is:"<<sq<<endl;


Write a program that continually calculates the cube of a number until the user enters a number that is divisible 2

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  1. Pingback: Write a program that will calculate the selling price of a circuit board that costs $12.67

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