C++ Project

Write a program to calculate the area of the circle, taking the value of the radius from the user.

Write a program to calculate the area of the circle, taking the value of the radius from the user.

Write a program to calculate the area of the circle, taking the value of the radius from the user. Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> using namespace std; void main() {        float rad,area;        cout<<“Enter the value of Radius: \n\n”;        cin>>rad;        area= 2*3.142*rad;        cout<<“\nArea of the circle is: “<<area;        getch(); } #include<iostream> …

Write a program to calculate the area of the circle, taking the value of the radius from the user. Read More »

Write a program that take four floating numbers from keyboard and prints their sum, product and average.

Write a program that take four floating numbers from keyboard and prints their sum, product and average.

Write a program that takes four floating numbers from the keyboard and prints their sum, product, and average. Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() {        float n1,n2,n3,n4,sum,pro,avg;        cout<<“Please Enter Any Four Numbers.\n\n”;        cin>>n1>>n2>>n3>>n4;        sum= n1+n2+n3+n4;        pro= n1*n2*n3*n4;        avg= (n1+n2+n3+n4)/4;        cout<<“\nAddition of Four Number is: “<<sum<<endl;        …

Write a program that take four floating numbers from keyboard and prints their sum, product and average. Read More »

How to write a program print your Bio Data? | Print your Bio Data.

How to write a program print your Bio Data? | Print your Bio Data.

How to write a program print your Bio Data in C++? Object: How to write a program print your Bio Data? | Print your Bio Data. C++ Projects. Source Code: #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { cout<<“\n\t\t———- BIO DATA ———-“<<endl<<endl; cout<<“NAME: Your Name”<<endl; cout<<“FATHER NAME: Your Father name”<<endl; cout<<“AGE: Enter Your …

How to write a program print your Bio Data? | Print your Bio Data. Read More »