C++ Project

Write a program to print elements of an array in reverse order

Write a program to print elements of an array in reverse order

Print Elements of an Array in Reverse Order Object: Write a program to print elements of an array in reverse order. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { int num[5],i; cout<<“Enter 5 Numbers.\n”; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { cin>>num[i]; } cout<<“Array in Original form.\n”; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { cout<<num[i]<<” “; } …

Write a program to print elements of an array in reverse order Read More »

Write a function which receives a float and an int from main ( ), finds the product of these two and returns the product which is printed through main ( )

Function receives a float and an int from main ( ) finds the product of these two and returns the product which is printed through main ( )

Function receives a float and an int from main ( ), and product of these two Numbers Object: :  Write a function that receives a float and an int from main ( ), finds the product of these two and returns the product which is printed through main ( ). C++ projects for beginners with …

Function receives a float and an int from main ( ) finds the product of these two and returns the product which is printed through main ( ) Read More »

Program that calculate the factorial value of any number by using functions

Program that calculate the factorial value of any number by using functions

Program that calculate the factorial value using functions Object: Write a function to calculate the factorial value of any integer entered through the keyboard. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int fac(int num); void main() { int nu; cout<<“\nEnter Any Number: “; cin>>nu; cout<<fac(nu); getch(); } int fac(int …

Program that calculate the factorial value of any number by using functions Read More »

Using function, write a complete program that prints your name 10 times. The Function can take no arguments and should not return any value

Using function, write program that prints your name 10 times. The Function can take no arguments and should not return any value

Using function, write a complete program that prints your name 10 times Object: Using function, write a complete program that prints your name 10 times. The Function can take no arguments and should not return any value. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void nam(); void main() { …

Using function, write program that prints your name 10 times. The Function can take no arguments and should not return any value Read More »

Program Generate for loop, while loop, and do while loop using if and switch functions

Program Generate for loop, while loop, and do while loop using if and switch functions

Generate a Loops for loop, while loop, and do while loop using if and switch functions Objects: Write a program to generate a Loops for loop, while loop, and do while loop using if and switch functions. C++ Projects. Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { char a; int i=0,f1,id,no,tab; char whl,ch=0,dow; …

Program Generate for loop, while loop, and do while loop using if and switch functions Read More »

Program that checks whether a number is prime or not by using if else structure and while loop

Program that checks whether a number is prime or not by using if else structure and while loop

Program that checks whether a number is prime or not. Object: Write a program that checks whether a number is prime or not by using if else structure and while loop. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { int num, i=2, a=0; cout<<“Enter any Number: “; …

Program that checks whether a number is prime or not by using if else structure and while loop Read More »

Write a program to calculate the factorial of any number using do while loop

Write a program to calculate the factorial of any number using do while loop

Program to calculate the factorial using do while loop Object: Write a program to calculate the factorial of any number using do while loop. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { int i=1,no,fact=1; cout<<” Enter Any Number: “; cin>>no; do { fact=fact*i; i++; }while(i<=no); cout<<“\n Factorial …

Write a program to calculate the factorial of any number using do while loop Read More »

Write a program to calculate the factorial of any number

Write a program to calculate the factorial of any number

Calculate the Factorial Of Any Number Object: Write a program to calculate the factorial of any number. C++ Projects. Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { int i,no,fact=1; cout<<” Enter Any Number: “; cin>>no; for(i=no;i>=1;i–) { fact=fact*i; } cout<<“\n Factorial of given Number is: “<<fact; getch(); } #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void …

Write a program to calculate the factorial of any number Read More »

Write a program that generates a table of any number

Write a program that generates a table of any number

Program that generates a table of any number   Object: Write a program that generates a table of any number. C++ Projects. Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { int no,i,tab; cout<<” :Table Generator:\n\n”; cout<<“Enter Any Number: “; cin>>no; for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { tab=no*i; cout<<no<<” * “<<i<<“= “<<tab<<endl; } getch(); } #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace …

Write a program that generates a table of any number Read More »

program to generate a series of first 50 even numbers using while loop.

Program to generate a series of first 50 even numbers using while loop

program to generate a series of first 50 even numbers using while loop   Object: Write a program to generate a series of first 50 even numbers using while loop. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { int i=0; while(i<100) { if(i%2==0) { cout<<i<<“,”; } i++; …

Program to generate a series of first 50 even numbers using while loop Read More »

Write a program that takes a number as input and perform Arithmetic operation like (+,-,/,*) using switch case

Write a program that takes a number as input and perform Arithmetic operation like (+,-,/,*) using switch case

Program that takes a number and perform Arithmetic operation using switch case Object: Write a program that takes a number as input and perform Arithmetic operation like (+,-,/,*) using switch case. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { int opt,n1,n2; cout<<“Enter Any Two Numbers\n”; cin>>n1>>n2; cout<<“\nSelect …

Write a program that takes a number as input and perform Arithmetic operation like (+,-,/,*) using switch case Read More »

Write a program that declares and initializes two numbers with your roll no and your friend roll no and displays the greater of the two

Write a program that declares and initializes two numbers with your roll no and your friend roll no and displays the greater of the two

Declares and initializes two numbers and displays the greater of the two Object: Write a program that declares and initializes two numbers with your roll no and your friend roll no and displays the greater of the two C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() {        …

Write a program that declares and initializes two numbers with your roll no and your friend roll no and displays the greater of the two Read More »

Write a program that takes a number and checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else

Write a program that takes a number and checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else

Checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else Object: Write a program that takes a number and checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else. C++ Projects Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { int num1; cout<<” Enter Any Number: “; cin>>num1; if(num1%2==0) { cout<<“\n Given Number is Even.”; …

Write a program that takes a number and checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else Read More »

Write a Bio Data program that Input Name, Father Name, college name, Age etc. and Print given data?

Write a Bio Data program that Input Name, Father Name, college name, Age etc. and Print given data?

Bio Data program that Input Name, Father Name, college name, Age etc. Object: Write a Bio Data program that Input Name, Father Name, college name, Age etc. and Print given data? C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { int age; float hight; string name,f_name,email,cont,uni,dep,colg; cout<<“\n\t\t———- …

Write a Bio Data program that Input Name, Father Name, college name, Age etc. and Print given data? Read More »

Program that prints to calculate the age in days.

Program that prints to calculate the age in days.

Program that prints to calculate the age in days. Object: Write a program that prints to calculate the age in days by using the formula:  days = years * 365. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> using namespace std; void main() {        int age,days;        cout<<“Please Enter Your Age: …

Program that prints to calculate the age in days. Read More »