programming language (software genre)

The C Programming Language Structure with C Language data types

The C Programming Language Structure with C Language data types

The C Programming Language Structure with C Language data types: Programming is an art because of its creativity and versatility. A c programming language allows us to think about minimum program structures in order that we will take it as a reference in future topics. C Language Hello World Example: Pre-processor Commands Functions Variables Comments …

The C Programming Language Structure with C Language data types Read More »

Write a c++ program that stores monthly rainfall amounts in an array.

Stores monthly rainfall amounts in an array. Object: Write a program that stores monthly rainfall amounts in an array. The program then displays the monthly rainfall amounts, the total annual rainfall amount, the average rainfall amount, the highest rainfall amount, or the lowest rainfall amount First get the rainfall amounts for the 12 months. Example: …

Write a c++ program that stores monthly rainfall amounts in an array. Read More »