even or odd

C# program which checks whether the number you inputted is an Even or Odd number

C# program which checks whether the number you inputted is an Even or Odd number

C# program which checks whether the number you inputted is an Even or Odd number. Object: C# Program Make a class EvenODD, which checks whether the number you inputted is an Even or Odd number. C# Projects with Source Code Code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Lab_3 { class […]

C# program which checks whether the number you inputted is an Even or Odd number Read More »

Write a program that takes a number and checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else

Write a program that takes a number and checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else

Checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else Object: Write a program that takes a number and checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else. C++ Projects Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void main() { int num1; cout<<” Enter Any Number: “; cin>>num1; if(num1%2==0) { cout<<“\n Given Number is Even.”;

Write a program that takes a number and checks whether the Number is even or odd. Using if-else Read More »