Write a program to calculate the area of the circle, taking the value of the radius from the user.

Write a program to calculate the area of the circle, taking the value of the radius from the user.

Write a program to calculate the area of the circle, taking the value of the radius from the user.





using namespace std;

void main()


       float rad,area;

       cout<<“Enter the value of Radius: \n\n”;


       area= 2*3.142*rad;

       cout<<“\nArea of the circle is: “<<area;



using namespace std;
void main()
	float rad,area;
	cout<<"Enter the value of Radius: \n\n";
	area= 2*3.142*rad;
	cout<<"\nArea of the circle is: "<<area;



Write a program to calculate the area of the circle, taking the value of the radius from the user.

C++ projects for beginners with source code

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