c program to count the number of vowels in a string

Write program takes a string object from the user and calculates the number of vowels, digits and white-spaces

Program takes a string and calculates the number of vowels, digits and white spaces

Calculates the Number of Vowels, Digits and White Spaces Object: Write a Program takes a string and calculates the number of vowels, digits and white spaces. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { string tex; int i,vol,dig,whtsp; vol=dig=whtsp=0; cout<<“Writer any string: “; getline(cin,tex); for(i=0;tex[i]!=’\0′;i++) { …

Program takes a string and calculates the number of vowels, digits and white spaces Read More »

Program to find a substring within a string. If found display its starting position

Program to find a substring within a string. If found display its starting position

Program to find a sub string within a string Object: Write a program to find a sub string within a string. If found display its starting position. C++ projects for beginners with source code Code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<string> using namespace std; void main() { int find; string sb2,fn1; string s1=”Yes, we went to Gates after …

Program to find a substring within a string. If found display its starting position Read More »