Write a program that will calculate the selling price of a circuit board that costs $12.67

Write a program that will calculate the selling price of a circuit board that costs $12.67

Write a program that will calculate the selling price of a circuit board that costs $12.67


An electronics company sells circuit boards at 40% profit. Write a program that will calculate the selling price of a circuit board that costs $12.67.
Display the result on the screen. C++ Projects.



using namespace std;
void main()
float cost=12.67,sell;
cout<<“\nAn electronic company sells circuit boards at a 40 % profit. \nTherefore The selling price of a circuit board is: $”<<cost<<“\n\nThe total selleing price is : $”<<sell;


using namespace std;
void main()
	float cost=12.67,sell;
	cout<<"\nAn electronic company sells circuit boards at a 40 % profit. \nTherefore The selling price of a circuit board is: $"<<cost<<"\n\nThe total selleing price is : $"<<sell;


Write a program that will calculate the selling price of a circuit board that costs $12.67

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